Overview: Designed and developed a tool for tracking and managing company assets across multiple locations. Details: Built both the front-end and back-end of the application, providing comprehensive asset management capabilities. Integrated a MySQL database to manage asset data, ensuring efficient tracking and reporting. Technologies Used: Python, PyQt, MySQL
Weather Monitoring and Forecasting System
Aiman Shahin2024-08-22T19:08:21+00:00Overview: Developed a complete weather monitoring and forecasting system utilizing IoT and web technologies. Details: Designed a system with an ESP32 microcontroller to collect weather data (temperature and humidity) via sensors, transmitting data to a host computer using the MQTT protocol. Created a Flask web application to display real-time weather data and forecasts based on [...]
Student Early Warning System AI Model
Aiman Shahin2024-08-22T19:07:56+00:00Overview: Created an AI model to predict student performance, aiding in early intervention. Details: Used RapidMiner and Python for data cleaning and applying various machine learning algorithms to predict academic performance. Technologies Used: RapidMiner, Python, Machine Learning
C++ Image Edge Detection Application
Aiman Shahin2024-08-22T19:08:19+00:00Overview: Developed a C++ application focused on edge detection within image datasets. Details: Incorporated test cases in Visual Studio and set up continuous integration (CI) pipelines using Jenkins to automate testing and deployment. Technologies Used: C++, Visual Studio, Jenkins